Exhibitions and Trade Fairs
You can regularly encounter RAVAK brand products at Czech and international trade fairs. Some of the most significant include the ISH construction fair in Frankfurt am Main or MOSBUILD in Moscow. RAVAK is also an important player in the field of art and design. We exhibit the original works of our designers, for example, at the Prague Designblok.
17. 10. - 21. 10. 2019
We first introduced the PURI range of plumbing fixtures at Designblok 2019. The author of the design of the unusual exhibition, as well as the design of the fixtures, which with their minimalist expression evoke maximum effect, was Kryštof Nosál.

03. 10. - 05.10. 2019
The interior design exhibition was held in Lithuania. Most exhibitors presented their production on an area from 6m2 to 12m2. This time, the Ravak stand was oriented towards the presentation of ceramic sinks, the City Slim bathtub, the Walk-in corner with the Ovo seat, both in the new BLACK version.

3. 4. – 6. 4. 2019
Just like in previous years, this year the Ravak exhibition was part of the Espak stand at the international construction fair in Estonia.

2. 4. – 5. 4. 2019
This year marked the 25th edition of the MosBuild fair. The exhibition in the largest exhibition center in Eastern Europe (Crocus Expo) was seen by 77,338 visitors, which is 19% more than in 2018. Ravak could not be missing.

11. 3. – 15. 3. 2019
This time, approximately 190,000 visitors from 161 countries set off for one of the leading world trade fairs in the field of bathroom equipment, energy, renewable resources and air conditioning.
No wonder. In Frankfurt, it was possible to draw inspiration and see trends from more than 2,500 exhibitors from 57 countries, and Ravak was among them.

25. 10. – 29. 10. 2018
The novelty that Ravak introduced during this year's jubilee 20th edition was the freestanding bathtub SOLO. Its supremely clean style comes from the Nosal Design Studio.

3. 4. – 6. 4. 2018
Ravak regularly participates in the MosBuild fair in Moscow, which in terms of scope and comprehensiveness represents the largest and most recognized exhibition event of the Russian Federation in the field of building materials, construction equipment, design, and finishing materials.

3. 4. – 6. 4. 2018
Tallinn in Estonia was home to the 22nd international construction fair. The Ravak exhibition presented the entire 10° concept, Chrome + Ovo seats and Formy countertop sinks. For visitors, the most attractive part of the exhibition was the seating wall with LED lighting. The installation was done in such a way that it was possible to try out the seats.

25. 10. – 28. 10. 2017
At the nineteenth edition of the largest design and fashion selection show in Central Europe, Ravak introduced a limited series of tables for freestanding bathtubs. The installation underscored the new meaning of the bathroom as the pulsating heart of the apartment and created a relaxed social atmosphere. Visitors were offered the opportunity to rest and share experiences.

29. 3. - 2. 4. 2017
The Moon sinks, for which their author Kryštof Nosál was nominated in the Designer of the Year category of the Czech Grand Design competition and the manufacturer RAVAK simultaneously in the Manufacturer of the Year category, were on display at a unique exhibition of finalists. Villa Pellé was filled for four days with exhibitions supplemented by workshops, lectures and a pop-up shop with award-winning products.

14. - 18. 3. 2017
The largest international meeting of manufacturers this year was visited by 200,114 visitors and the RAVAK brand was presented among another 2,482 exhibitors from 61 countries around the world. The stand was created by designer Kryštof Nosál and on an area of 250 m2 he applied a fresh solution based on the shape of cubes, which suits the presentation of bathroom concepts with the 10° series at the forefront. "We are premiering a very innovatively designed 10° shower enclosure, which makes this concept a complete bathroom that provides both bathing and showering," says RAVAK's marketing manager Jan Hudák. Visitors from all over the world could also admire the new set of Moon sinks and the most successful current bathroom concepts, such as Chrome, Formy, and others.

27. - 31. 10. 2016
At the largest Czech meeting of design and fashion, RAVAK presented a new author's collection of Moon sinks by designer Kryštof Nosál.

31. 3. - 3. 4. 2015
The RAVAK company participated in the 21st international engineering and interior exhibition Mosbuild 2015, held from March 31 to April 3.

10. 3. - 14. 3. 2015
ISH is the most important world trade fair for bathroom equipment, energy, renewable resources and air conditioning. One of the main mottos of this year was: "Design and Function in Harmony", which perfectly corresponds with the main goals of the RAVAK brand. RAVAK company participated for the sixth time. As the largest manufacturer of bathroom equipment in Central and Eastern Europe, it has been representing its country since 2003. Thanks to this, it exports its products to more than 50 countries around the world.

15. 4. - 18. 4. 2015
RAVAK participated in the significant annual international exhibition MOSBUILD 2014, which took place from April 15 to 18 in the ЦВК «Экспоцентр» within Europe.

24. 1. - 31. 3. 2014
In the exhibition hall of the National Technical Museum in Prague, the author's achievements of designers nominated for the Annual Awards of the Academy of Design of the Czech Republic for 2013, known as the Czech Grand Design Awards, are presented. RAVAK's chief designer Kryštof Nosál introduced a sink from the Bath Gallery bathroom set, for which he was nominated for this prestigious award.

25. - 28. 11. 2013
The Dubai representation of the RAVAK brand regularly participates in the largest local fair, the Big 5 Show. The exhibited Chrome concept aroused great interest, among others also from Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who opened the exhibition and is our satisfied customer. He uses the You bathtub in his recreational residence.

7. - 13. 10. 2013
At the jubilee 15th edition of the Designblok exhibition, RAVAK introduced its novelty - the Bath Gallery bathroom set from the resident designer Kryštof Nosál. The success of the new product is evidenced by the great media response and the author's nomination for the annual Czech Grand Design awards in the Designer of the Year 2013 category.